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A Complete MRI Education Solution

The performance required for a complete exploration of Magnetic Resonance methodologies.

Multi-Nuclei Capability

Expand ilumr's imaging capability with our new matipo mini.  


Compact & Lightweight

With a weight of only 8.5 kg, ilumr is portable and perfect for use in your classroom and laboratory.

ilumr with dimension labels. Height: 315mm, 12.4". Width: 250mm, 9.84". Weight: 8.5kg, 18.7lbs.

Out of the box setup

No software installation required. Simply connect to ilumr's WiFi network or Ethernet and load the interface in a web browser.

tablet displaying ilumr software dashboard

Software - Powerful & Intuitive

An intuitive interface that offers multiple levels of user experience.

laptop displaying an ilumr python notebook that has been used to image lemongrass

Open source Content

Deploy ilumr easily in your classroom with out-of-the-box interactive lab courseware. 

laptop displaying ilumr educational courseware

Imaging Capabilities

Perform 1D, 2D, & 3D MRI experiments and generate high-resolution images in minutes. Gain information on tissue structure with T1 & T2 optimisation and complex Diffusion-weighted & tensor imaging. See our image gallery below for more details.